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Interest in private equity, venture capital and entrepreneurship initiatives

Friday, June 11, 2010

Planning is a must, Ignore it at a cost

Hi friends,

In this update I wanted to share that in any entrepreneurial endeavour, the matter of Planning is very important. I cannot stress enough of it. This term has been so much talked about whether in classroom lectures or seminars but unless one takes it to heart and have a proper time to plan, such lackness can spell setback for them. Planning, of course covers many aspect of the business from financial to after-sales services. As many as it is, the need to plan is absolutely crucial and it has to be done at the very beginning and review on an on-going basis.

Many entrepreneurs that I know of are so busy with their business activities that they did not pay enough or little attention to planning out their business. As the famous saying goes, if we fail to plan, we plan to fail. How true it is in many cases. There are businesses that I know of, struggle in the early path of their entrepreneurial journey. When they analyse the reason as to why their business is not moving forward (it will be fortunate if it is not at least going backwards) one glaring issue that pops up is lack or no planning. They could have done one at the beginning of their business start-up or they have this mentality that it is enough to just have it in my head. But unless one can lay it out in a documented fashion, those thoughts are not known to anyone, lest so the team.

Without a clearly define and executable business objective, it is even further off to talk about business road map. I strongly encourage entrepreneurs and start-ups to devote sufficient time to think and map out this seemingly basic but most often miss out action item. The time one spent on doing a proper planning for his business activities will not only create a clear road map for himself being a leader but also align the activities of his team to set their mind and attention to the same one goal. And even if there is a misalignment along the way, the road map with its objectives and milestones will help everyone to get back on track. Entrepreneurs know very well that each and every of their resources is precious but limited. Therefore the ability to come up with a good planning and be able to execute it with the support of the entire team will bring about a successful venture. Hence set your focus on the right footing and monitor its actions. Like a compass, it will lead you to the correct direction (at least you are on the path that you wanted to go). Okay, for now I need to spend some time to bring that start-up company back to the planning pathway.

Looking Out:

1. Anyone interested to joining a US MNC as a SCM Manager
2. There is also look out for a Costing Manager
3. Any investor interested in social game start-up company

Have a great weekend,

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