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Interest in private equity, venture capital and entrepreneurship initiatives

Friday, July 16, 2010

Start-ups, a needed path for a growth economy

Hi friends,

The US is experiencing turbulence in its economy. So much has happened and its challenges ahead is by no means an easy feat. The US will need to revitalised and put laser focus into what it can do to lift its economy out from these challenges. There have been several advocates in the news that the US need to fire-up its entrepreneurial spirit to lift its economy out from the uncertainty ahead. This requires a change in the people's mind set and the willingness from the nation and the government to plunge into this effort.

Entrepreneurial efforts to spur many start-ups is always an effective way to lift an economy or to bring the economy to the next level. Start-ups initiatives also brings in a multiplier effects that can benefits many levels of the economy, from jobs creation to increasing the standard of living of a society. It brings in economic and social benefits that every country who wants to be among the most competitive nation desire to achieve. Obviously as in any new adventure there will be certain risk associate with it. There is where we need to be educated to be a learned risk-taker in venturing into a new space. There can be no upside without risk. However new start-ups is a very important source of innovation. Great innovation not only brings in many fold of returns but also has the ability to spun further ideas to continuously propel an economy ahead. Singapore is no exception to this initiative. A lot of funding programmes and assistance has been developed to assist start-ups especially in the knowledge-based space. This is a great effort to ensure Singapore continue to stay ahead. Entrepreneur wannabe should seize this opportunity to read the market and venture into the next Big thing! It is good to be knowledge-loaded but it is even better to learn how to commercialized those knowledge. One learn and gain so much in an entrepreneurial venture. The need to fire-up the entrepreneurial economy does not only confine to the US but many other economies in the world as well. Many more start-ups is needed...

By the way do you know which is the best country for start-ups? .....check it out from the link at the right hand side of this blog page.

Looking out:

1. Any 3 man-team who inspire to start-up a venture in the technology space. Funding and mentorship available.

2. Internet marketing expert who wish to co-partner in a new venture. Opportunity abound!

Until the next update, bye

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